Christmas : 15 Stylish Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY

Christmas : 15 Stylish Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY

I've always been in love with the idea of an advent calendar.

I think it stems from my early childhood memories and those (now) vintage cardboard boxes with the rosey-cheeked Santa and the snow covered hills, where every little choc compartment was a brand new surprise.

Ah. Those were the days.

As my own kids grow and learn more about Christmas, I'd love to provide them with the same experiences. Only instead of just a small choc piece on a cardboard board, I want to take things to the next level.

I know what you might be thinking "Settle down overachiever, what's wrong with a piece of chocolate every day?". And the answer is: absolutely nothing. But there's also nothing wrong with turning the creativity up a notch.

So to get me started I did some research and boy, oh boy, have I found some incredible ideas.

And since I like sharing my finds, I thought I'd put together this blog post in case you're just like me, toying with the idea of how cool you can make this year's advent calendar.

Enjoy the below and leave me a comment with a link if you've found some others we could add to the collection :)

xx B

A cardboard house for each day of Advent, via Mokkasin

Advent calendar ideas for the Christmas holidays and festive season - easy to make.

Versatile storage boxes - labeled for Advent, via IKEA Sverige

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Advent Calendar Tree via Elisabeth Heier

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Xmas themed fabric packages tied up with string, via Beate Hemsborg

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Hanging Christmas Tree Branch Advent Calendar via The Merry Thought

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

DIY Burlap Advent Calendar via Fun Kyti Me

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

DIY paper lunch bags folded over Advent, via A Merry Mishap

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

DIY Danish Wooden Dowel Tree via Nalle’s House

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Wee Advent houses via Raum Dinge

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Coffee filters, washi tape and yarn DIY Advent calendar via Scrumdilly-do

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Easiest Advent Calendar via Dandee Designs

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Minimalist Advent Calendar via miniKUNST

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

A bright and bold Advent via Living at Home

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Staircase, newsprint and twine Advent Calendar via Fröken Knopp

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Fabric bag Advent Calendar via Nicest Things

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

Don't forget to PIN ME ;)

Stylish Christmas Advent Calendar Ideas You Can Totally DIY -- great for the holidays and festive season, easy to make, some have step-by-step instructions

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Нallo Мacho! Ich suсhe Sеx in deiner Stadt und mochte wirkliсh, dаss du mich ficкst:
Наllo hеi?еr Kеrl! Jеtzt bin iсh in dеinеr Stаdt und ich moсhte Spа? haben, ich liеbе Sеx sehr:
Hallо Мaсho! Jetzt bin iсh in dеiner Stadt und iсh moсhte Spа? hаbеn, iсh liebe Sex sehr:
Hаllо hei?er Kerl! Wenn Siе mich auf Ihren Stoсk ziehеn mochtеn, sсhreiben Sie mir, wo wir uns treffеn кonnen. Schrеiben Siе hiеr еine Nасhricht:
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Нallo Мacho! Ich suсhe Sеx in deiner Stadt und mochte wirkliсh, dаss du mich ficкst:
Наllo hеi?еr Kеrl! Jеtzt bin iсh in dеinеr Stаdt und ich moсhte Spа? haben, ich liеbе Sеx sehr:
Hallо Мaсho! Jetzt bin iсh in dеiner Stadt und iсh moсhte Spа? hаbеn, iсh liebe Sex sehr:
Hаllо hei?er Kerl! Wenn Siе mich auf Ihren Stoсk ziehеn mochtеn, sсhreiben Sie mir, wo wir uns treffеn кonnen. Schrеiben Siе hiеr еine Nасhricht:
Hеу hei?еr Kеrl! Iсh moсhtе wirкliсh, dаss du meinе Jungfrauliсhкeit nimmst, mеin Profil ist hier:


Нallo Мacho! Ich suсhe Sеx in deiner Stadt und mochte wirkliсh, dаss du mich ficкst:
Наllo hеi?еr Kеrl! Jеtzt bin iсh in dеinеr Stаdt und ich moсhte Spа? haben, ich liеbе Sеx sehr:
Hallо Мaсho! Jetzt bin iсh in dеiner Stadt und iсh moсhte Spа? hаbеn, iсh liebe Sex sehr:
Hаllо hei?er Kerl! Wenn Siе mich auf Ihren Stoсk ziehеn mochtеn, sсhreiben Sie mir, wo wir uns treffеn кonnen. Schrеiben Siе hiеr еine Nасhricht:
Hеу hei?еr Kеrl! Iсh moсhtе wirкliсh, dаss du meinе Jungfrauliсhкeit nimmst, mеin Profil ist hier:


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